A pathfinder to our website
HomeEnglish abstractPathfinder
Unless stated otherwise, all links in this page lead to web pages in German.

Current events

  • Information about events since the beginning of the school year
  • A calender of upcoming activities that may be of interest to the public

School projects

  • Extra-curricular projects
  • Projects pursued by classes and courses
  • Projects of longer duration combining efforts in several subjects


This section provides news from the subject departments.

Extra-curricular activities

Sorry, due to lack of staff we had to discontinue our detailed description of extra-curricular activities at FSG.

Foreign exchange

  • Our bilateral exchange programme with schools in France and Russia
  • Information on (unilateral) foreign exchange programmes

The school’s educational profile

Comprehensive information about the school’s educational aims and activities

Personnel and staff

Personnel and staff at FSG: regular duties, extra assignments, e-mail addresses and a photograph


Our school chronicle keeps track of what happened in previous scholastic years. Also, you find our Letters to Parents here. The last years’ chronicles are all available in English.

Parent and student participation

North-Rhine Westphalia’s school laws stipulate participation by parents and students in elected representative bodies.


  • Biographical résumés and e-mail addresses of former FSG students
  • Homepages and electronic yearbooks of graduating classes

Friends and sponsors

  • The »FSG Friends’ and Sponsors’ Club (VFF)«
  • The »FSG Fan Club«
  • The »Werner Jordan Foundation«
  • Sponsors from the business community

It Helps To Know

  • Where on earth is Luenen? How do I get there by train or car?
  • You’ve noticed the yellow and green stripes at the left margin of our web pages? Well, they stand for the unique ceramic tiles that adorn FSG’s hallways. And those tiles do have a meaning of their own… (under construction).
  • The history of our school goes back to the early 17th century (partly under construction).
  • Our school building is an architectural monument. Its building history and its architectural style are noteworthy (under construction).


FSG’s official postal address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses

Legal fine print

Here you find who is legally responsible for the content of this website.


Update: 15/04/2006
Artur Weinhold

HomeEnglish abstractPathfinder